Welcome to NAML - connecting communities to opportunities

At NAML, Inc., we are driven by a profound vision — a vision that has guided our journey since our establishment in 2011. Rooted in Muslim principles and dedicated to serving our entire community, we've grown to encompass a family of companies, each committed to making a positive impact.

Meet Our Family

MECCA Childcare Center

 Nurturing the Next Generation Discover the exceptional childcare services provided by MECCA Childcare Center.

The Mill

Building Tomorrow’s Communities Explore The Mill’s innovative projects in community development.

My Choice for Living

Empowering Lives Learn about My Choice for Living’s mission to provide essential services.

Our Vision

NAML, Inc. was founded in 2011 as a non-profit public charity, deeply rooted in Muslim principles, and dedicated to serving our entire community. Over the years, our commitment to this vision has only grown stronger.

Our primary goal is to provide impactful services to the community, with a steadfast focus on bridging the gaps in housing, wealth, healthcare, and education that have disproportionately affected lower-income residents of Philadelphia.

A Decade of Commitment:

For over a decade, we have tirelessly served our community, offering a wide range of services designed to partner with families. These services include high-quality early childcare, afterschool programs, and community integration, as well as residential care for adults with developmental disabilities.

Architects of Their Own Success:

Our ultimate vision is to create a world in which individuals, irrespective of their circumstances, become architects of their own success. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to thrive, free from historical biases and systemic inequities that hinder their boundless potential.

Building for the Future:

To meet the ever-increasing demand for our services and to better fulfill our mission, we have embarked on an ambitious journey. Our vision includes the construction of a vibrant mixed-use facility that caters to well-documented needs within our community. This facility will encompass educational services, healthcare services, a grocery store, and affordable housing options.

With your support, we aim to turn this vision into a reality—a place where hope, opportunity, and empowerment flourish. Join us in building a stronger, more equitable community for all.

For more information about NAML, Inc. and our family of companies, please reach out to us at info@namlcompanies.com. We’re here to answer your questions and discuss how we can make a difference together.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of transformation. Together, we’re building a brighter future.

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